3 Things to Consider When Choosing Toothpaste

Toothbrush with toothpaste

With so many options available today, it’s easy to get overwhelmed standing in the toothpaste aisle.

How do you know which brand or type is best for your dental hygiene regime? The best toothpaste for you is one chosen specifically for the conditions in your mouth. For example, people with permanent implants, bridgework or active oral infections should ask their dentist for toothpaste recommendations.

Brighter Smiles from the Comfort of Your Home

If you’ve noticed your smile isn’t as bright as it once was, there is a range of tooth-whitening pastes on the market today for you to consider. Each formula combines unique ingredients for slightly different applications.

  1. Peroxide and baking powder are mild cleaning agents that reduce yellowing caused by food and beverages. If you choose a product that includes fluoride, you’ll have a well-balanced option that protects against cavities and brightens your smile.
  2. If you’re prone to develop canker sores in your mouth, a product like Rembrandt Whitening may help reduce flare-ups with special additives.
  3. For heavy stains and build-up, many people look for a high-potency product that produces faster results. A word of caution, harsh abrasives and stronger chemical concentrations may damage enamel when used every day. Talk to your dentist for advice about how often to use these high-powered solutions to protect your teeth while reclaiming a better appearance.

Treating Sensitive Teeth

It’s possible to maintain a brilliant smile without damaging enamel. Products designed to protect teeth from acid erosion are a good option for people who have sensitivity to heat, cold, or sugar. Continued use desensitizes teeth and blocks pain so you can enjoy your favorite foods and beverages again.

Look for an ADA approved formula with 5% potassium nitrate or strontium chloride. Using gentle pressure and a soft bristle brush are also recommended for people with sensitive teeth.

Protecting Young Teeth with Fluoride

Fluoride protects teeth from cavities, but it is harmful if swallowed. It’s important that children (and adults) use small amounts of fluoride-enhanced toothpaste and rinse thoroughly after each use. Choosing toothpaste with an appealing flavor and texture makes brushing more pleasurable, and promotes a consistent hygiene regimen for people of all ages.

Balancing Cosmetics and Health

A vibrant smile is a signal of good oral health. If you have questions about the best toothpaste for your mouth our dental hygienist can help you compare over-the-counter products. If you haven’t had a routine exam and thorough cleaning in a while, we encourage you to schedule a visit with Dr. Smith today.

How Do I Know if I’m a Good Candidate for Invisalign?

Woman with a beautiful smile

A Clear Way to Improve Your Smile

Everyone’s smile is beautiful, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t a little room for improvement. Metal braces have helped millions improve the look of their smile; however, many others have missed out on the benefits of straighter teeth because of the negative issues associated with traditional braces. Invisalign transparent aligning trays can provide the same fantastic results as metal braces without the discomfort or aesthetic challenges. Invisalign is one of the many cosmetic procedures we provide at Dr. Jon D Smith Cosmetic and Restorative Dentistry LLC that help our patients feel confident about their smile.

The Invisalign Advantage

The benefits of Invisalign are many and include:

  • Aesthetic Appeal – Because they’re transparent, Invisalign braces are practically invisible. However, if wanted you can remove them for important events such as a job interview
  • Comfort – The flexible plastic trays fit smoothly over teeth without the irritation or pinching associated with metal braces
  • Convenience – Simply switch into a new aligner tray every two weeks until corrections are complete
  • Eating – There are no food limitations while wearing Invisalign because you take them out while eating
  • Hygiene – Maintaining good oral hygiene is easy because Invisalign trays aren’t affixed to your teeth. Just remember to put the trays back in after brushing and flossing

While there are many benefits, many people are concerned that Invisalign braces won’t be effective for their specific dental issues. But just because they’re comfortable and convenient doesn’t mean Invisalign braces aren’t effective. They are!

Are You a Candidate for Invisalign?

Invisalign braces can improve your smile as effectively as conventional braces. You may be a candidate for Invisalign if you:

  • Have bite problems such as an overbite, crossbite, spaces between teeth, crowded teeth or misaligned teeth
  • Are currently wearing metal braces or have worn them in the past
  • Are a teen or an adult
  • Have good overall dental health with no untreated cavities or gum disease
  • Are a nonsmoker
  • Are committed to following treatment guidelines and wearing Invisalign trays as directed by your doctor
  • Qualify for conventional metal braces

Invisalign transparent braces are a comfortable, convenient and removable option for almost anyone who wants to improve their smile and enjoy the advantages of straighter teeth. But the best way to find out if you’re a candidate for Invisalign is to schedule an evaluation with Dr. Jon. Contact our office at 803-359-6143 to make an appointment and learn more about how cosmetic dentistry and Invisalign can help you.

What Should I Do If There’s Blood When I Brush My Teeth?

Man brushing his teeth

A step by step approach to find relief.

Regular brushing should be a part of your daily routine, something you do twice a day or more. However, it should be a simple, painless, and even mundane action. If something unusual occurs when you brush, you may have reason to worry. What should you do if you notice bleeding when you brush your teeth? While every case is slightly different, the following steps will help you deal with this particular problem:

  1. Determine if the bleeding is an ongoing problem or a one-time occurrence. Do you have a sore or an irritated spot in your mouth? This could be the explanation for bleeding when you brush your teeth.
  2. Check your mouth for cracked fillings, crowns, or caps that do not fit well. These common issues could cause your mouth to bleed. If this is the case, make an appointment with your dentist right away. The situation usually worsens with time.
  3. Think about what medications you may be taking. If you are taking any new medicines, such as blood thinners, these can cause you to bleed more freely. While there may not be a complete solution, it is worth mentioning to your dentist. You might also switch to a softer toothbrush.
  4. Check your equipment. Is your toothbrush in good condition? An old or damaged brush is more likely to cause bleeding than a newer, fresher brush.
  5. Are you regularly brushing and flossing? If you are inconsistent with your oral care, you are more likely to experience bleeding. Make sure you brush your teeth at least twice a day and floss at least once.
  6. If none of these issues seem to explain your bleeding, it is worth mentioning to both your dentist and your general practitioner. Working together, your doctor and dentist can help you deal with this situation.

A little blood when you brush your teeth may not be a big deal. The only way to find out for sure is to visit a dentist and have a full examination. Call or contact us online to make an appointment with Dr. Jon Smith DDS today, and let our experts help determine the cause of your bleeding gums or teeth. We want to improve your oral health and help you feel your best about your teeth. We look forward to seeing you in our office soon!

What Steps Should I Take Now That My Child Has All Their Adult Teeth?

Father and Son Brushing Teeth

Good dental health during a child’s developing years can yield benefits for life.

It is important to take care of your kid’s teeth at every age. But, when your child’s permanent adult teeth come in, keeping them clean and healthy becomes an even higher priority.

Your Child’s Permanent Teeth

Children have 20 primary teeth (also known as baby teeth) that they start losing at around age six. By the time your child is about 12, he or she will most likely have lost his or her last primary molars, which are replaced by permanent adult teeth. Get your child off to a good start by ensuring that your child has regular dental care and good dental habits at home.

Encouraging Good Dental Hygiene Habits

The examples that you set for your child will last a lifetime. Good oral care starts at home with all of the following:

  • Remind your child to brush morning, night, and between meals.
  • Teach your child how to floss and make sure that he or she flosses daily. If he or she has trouble using regular floss, try using flossers instead.
  • Provide healthy snacks that are low in sugar. Carrots, celery sticks, apples, and cheese are all good tooth-healthy choices.
  • Remind your child not to engage in habits that can damage teeth, such as biting hard candies or chewing on ice.
  • Instead of sugary sodas, offer water or milk. In addition to excess sugar, sodas contain acids that can damage enamel.
  • Instead of sugar-sweetened gum, look for gum sweetened with xylitol. Xylitol can protect against cavities, while sugar promotes them.
  • Make sure your child is using the right toothbrush. Children’s brushes have softer bristles. These ensure that your child’s enamel is not damaged.

When to See the Dentist

Your child should continue to have two dental check-ups each year. At these appointments, your child will get regular cleanings and exams to ensure that problems like cavities or gum disease are not brewing. Your dentist or hygienist may recommend periodic x-rays to detect tooth decay. If you or your child finds a possible cavity in between check-ups, make an appointment to see the dentist as soon as possible. The earlier problems are detected, the easier it is to fully repair any damage.

Good habits start early. A diet low in fat and sugar, good daily dental hygiene, and regular check-ups can help your child develop a healthy mouth that will contribute to his wellness for a lifetime. Is your child due for a check-up? Make your appointment today.